Do I Need a Permit for AC Installation in Miami Beach, FL?

As per Chapter 489 of the Florida Statute, all licensed HVAC contractors must obtain a building permit to install, remove, or replace any air conditioning system, as regulated by the Florida Building Code. This permit exemption only applies to the requirements of the Florida Building Code, unless otherwise specified. Other state and county regulatory departments and agencies may require additional approvals or permits. In the case of residential properties, the installation or repair of satellite antennas connected to main structures that measure one meter (approximately 39 inches) or less in diameter is exempt from permit requirements. However, this exemption does not authorize any work to be done in any way that violates the provisions of the Florida Building Code. In accordance with federal law, a permit is not required to install or repair satellite antennas of one meter (approximately 39 inches) or smaller in diameter that are located on commercial or industrial properties.

Alexandre Alfred
Alexandre Alfred

Hardcore travel nerd. Amateur travel geek. Travel aficionado. Typical beer fan. Subtly charming web maven. Subtly charming social media guru.