What Warranties Come with Air Conditioning Installation in Miami Beach, FL?

Since 1985, José Ramírez and his van have grown into one of the largest private providers of air conditioning and domestic service in Florida, with over 200 employees and 127 trucks. Service Pros of America is a Rheem air conditioning unit distribution company that offers the most reliable, honest and affordable Rheem air conditioner unit prices in the South Florida area. ECM Air Conditioning, based in Boynton Beach, Florida, provides air conditioning services in Palm Beach, Broward, Martin and St. Lucie counties.

We have many varieties of Mini Split air conditioning units for homes and businesses, such as ductless air conditioning units mounted on the ceiling, wall mounted and without cassette type ducts. All air conditioning installations we make come with a 10-year manufacturing parts warranty and a 1-year warranty for service parts and labor. In general, air conditioning warranties can range from as little as one year to ten years, and most are in the range of 3 to 5 years. But what other guarantees come with these services? In Miami Beach, Florida, there are many options for quality HVAC air duct repair services at competitive rates.

When you choose Service Pros of America for your air conditioning installation needs, you can rest assured that you are getting the best quality service available. Our experienced technicians will ensure that your system is installed correctly and that all warranties are honored. At Service Pros of America, we understand that having a reliable air conditioning system is essential to keeping your home or business comfortable. That's why we offer a variety of warranties to ensure that your system is running smoothly and efficiently.

We offer a 10-year parts warranty on all new installations as well as a 1-year labor warranty. We also offer extended warranties on select models to give you peace of mind. When it comes to air conditioning installation in Miami Beach, FL, you can trust Service Pros of America to provide you with the best service possible. Contact us today to learn more about our warranties and services.

Alexandre Alfred
Alexandre Alfred

Hardcore travel nerd. Amateur travel geek. Travel aficionado. Typical beer fan. Subtly charming web maven. Subtly charming social media guru.